We are so happy you have found your way here! This is the diary of a database, a database full of real life superhero scientists willing to volunteer they time and expertise to the COVID-19 public health crisis. Our articles cover who we are, what we do, and explore the things that may be holding us back. Happy Reading!
NSVD partnered with beauty professionals to develop The Makeup Standard, an initiative to formulate sanitation guidelines for the beauty industry during COVID-19. Check out the interview with The Makeup Standard lead scientist from NSVD, Vincent Law.
This is what democracy looks like. The recent civil rights protests that held the news cycle for a couple of weeks never stopped; given recent events, these protests are obviously still necessary. In light of the COVID-19 viral pandemic, we have gathered a list of best practices for Pandemic Protesting.
She took it upon herself to be the Volunteer Communications Coordinator for the 9000+ strong volunteer database—that continues to grow each day! She took this volunteer position because “it leverages my pre-academic skills, my scientific knowledge, and training, as well as my ability to communicate with policy-makers.”
COVID-19 has highlighted shortcomings in our data infrastructure and data quality - from the project level to the global level. I was on the lookout for projects that could benefit from getting started on the right foot along those lines when NSVD came along.