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Pandemic Protesting

Pandemic Protesting

Foreword: Shannon Kozlovich, PhD
List Curation: Shruti Muralidhar, PhD

The right to assembly is the cornerstone of any great Democracy. Dissent is often how we move the needle on entrenched injustices that are ubiquitous throughout our society. The Civil Rights Act was signed into law after over a year of consistent, daily protests across the country. The Black Lives Matter civil rights protests that held the news cycle for a couple of weeks after the death of George Floyd never stopped; given the recent events in Wisconsin, these protests are obviously still necessary. Racism is a Pandemic that this country has succumbed to for centuries. The oppressor doesn’t get to dictate to the oppressed when or how they fight back; fight for their lives, fight for the institutional changes REQUIRED to address very real and long ignored policies that enshrine racism into all corners of our society. This is equally true in the midst of a viral pandemic!

Knowing the higher toll that COVID-19 is taking on the Black community, we have gathered and curated some best practices for limiting the spread of COVID-19 while protesting. We touch on pre-protest preparation, items to bring to the protest, suggestions of best practices for viral transmission mitigation during the protest, and post-protest check-up best practices where available (and the fact that we have to say “where available” is another whole conversation).

Pre-protest preparation

During the protest

After the protest

More information and references: